Your customers are generating more data than ever before. What if you could transform the way your company collects, analyzes, and distributes this critical business data. Taking your CRM, ERP, and other silos of data and unifying it into a single view, so you could begin to have conversations that improve your customers' entire experience.
Salesforce Analytics Cloud revolutionizes the way you understand and refine new strategies around your business data. Sales, services, marketing, even back office teams can finally get immediate insights without the need to log in an IT request. Analytics helps you ask the right questions that uncover new opportunities to connect with customers.
Wouldn’t you like to know which sales channels are performing best in each country, across each product, across each rep. Would you like to know how the marketing pipeline is trending over time, how repeat purchases are related to customer satisfaction, and where support history and product use data can improve product design gaps.
With Salesforce Analytics, users get personalized service analytics with rapid and responsive filtering, visualizations, drill downs into every nuance, and a way to take immediate action like triggering a campaign. Its powered by a new innovative Wave technology, and since its built on the Salesforce One platform, it's cloud scale: secure, trusted, instantly mobile and up and running within days. And its extensible through an ecosystem of pre-integrated data sources in the App Exchange. Telling a big story about your big data has never been easier! Drive your company’s own data revolution with the Salesforce Analytics Cloud.
Schedule Your Free Consultation
Your customers are generating more data than ever before. What if you could transform the way your company collects, analyzes, and distributes this critical business data. Taking your CRM, ERP, and other silos of data and unifying it into a single view, so you could begin to have conversations that improve your customers' entire experience.
Salesforce Analytics Cloud revolutionizes the way you understand and refine new strategies around your business data. Sales, services, marketing, even back office teams can finally get immediate insights without the need to log in an IT request. Analytics helps you ask the right questions that uncover new opportunities to connect with customers.
Wouldn’t you like to know which sales channels are performing best in each country, across each product, across each rep. Would you like to know how the marketing pipeline is trending over time, how repeat purchases are related to customer satisfaction, and where support history and product use data can improve product design gaps.
With Salesforce Analytics, users get personalized service analytics with rapid and responsive filtering, visualizations, drill downs into every nuance, and a way to take immediate action like triggering a campaign. Its powered by a new innovative Wave technology, and since its built on the Salesforce One platform, it's cloud scale: secure, trusted, instantly mobile and up and running within days. And its extensible through an ecosystem of pre-integrated data sources in the App Exchange. Telling a big story about your big data has never been easier! Drive your company’s own data revolution with the Salesforce Analytics Cloud.